samedi 22 septembre 2007

Weekend in "Paradise"

When i said Paradise, what i meant actually is hell...hmmmm...not really, there must be more stuff going on in hell than my weekend. I used to look forward to weekends back in the day when i was in high school. Weekends for me then was heaven, fun and something to look forward to. But now, it is just another day like any other day where "readings" take the center stage with its boringness. Well, as geeky as it sounds, reading is not that bad, i can still handle readings, let me read, ill read, ill read till my brain cant take it no more...BUT NOOOOOOO... someone has to throw in Statistics!!!SPSS!!!Do you have any idea how much i hate Statistics. The word itself wanna make me throw up. If i knew who created this thing, im so gonna kick his or her ass. Hey..its fine that some people are smart, being smart is good but do they have to come up with something so complicated and not to mention BORING to show it!! Why cant they just tatooed their forehead "Im Smart" to show it. Or you know, publish a book of the smartest people in the world..and name it QI 1000 or something. I guess that is too simple for them. Maybe it is stereotypical of me to say this, but i know that they are one boring SOB that see fun and partying as Over Rated. But that doesnt mean that they have to drag everybody in to suffer with them. It is soooo typical of human to torture each other. Hate them, hate statistics, and hate SPSS. Statistics is OVER RATED. Our teacher told us yesterday that Statisitcs can be seen as a language. If thats the case, then im MUTE!! and guess what im proud to be!!